What is SEO? (Detailed Guide) | Search Engine Optimization
Actually, search engines like Google and YouTube are very complex. They like to investigate any information in depth before showing it to their users. They want the people who use them to get the information they are trying to find as quickly and as well as possible.
But is it easy to find the best result out of crores of blogs and websites as it seems? Of course not! According to Google, he examines a lot of websites with a test of about 200 factors to answer any question, and the websites that are able to meet these criteria are as good as Google's search. It shows people in the same position above or as well because those websites are best for people.
As a Blogger, Webmaster or SEO Expert, we all want that whenever people search for something that is related to our website (or about which we write on our blog) then our website He is the first person to be seen at the top of Google; So that more and more people can click on it and our website can become popular.
Now, because there are more than 1 billion websites worldwide, the task of leaving everyone behind and bringing your website to the forefront is not easy at all. Due to the very HARD COMPETITION, we have to work very hard to come out on top. To top Google, we have to tell him that our website is good and people searching in it will definitely get answers to their questions.
But now the question arises how to tell Google all this? Can't call nor is it our relative who will directly up to our website by recommending it. In fact, we will have to tell Google in small gestures that our website is for people Gives the best answer to the question. There are a number of small techniques to get these gestures to Google that are called "search engine optimization (SEO)" when used together. Note: The full form of SEO is 'SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION'. SEO is not a single technique but it is a combination of many different techniques, with the help of which you can show your website first on Google. Now further we are going to know about these SEO Techniques-
As a Blogger, Webmaster or SEO Expert, we all want that whenever people search for something that is related to our website (or about which we write on our blog) then our website He is the first person to be seen at the top of Google; So that more and more people can click on it and our website can become popular.
Now, because there are more than 1 billion websites worldwide, the task of leaving everyone behind and bringing your website to the forefront is not easy at all. Due to the very HARD COMPETITION, we have to work very hard to come out on top. To top Google, we have to tell him that our website is good and people searching in it will definitely get answers to their questions.
But now the question arises how to tell Google all this? Can't call nor is it our relative who will directly up to our website by recommending it. In fact, we will have to tell Google in small gestures that our website is for people Gives the best answer to the question. There are a number of small techniques to get these gestures to Google that are called "search engine optimization (SEO)" when used together. Note: The full form of SEO is 'SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION'. SEO is not a single technique but it is a combination of many different techniques, with the help of which you can show your website first on Google. Now further we are going to know about these SEO Techniques-
1) • What is SEO?
Research states that 9 out of 10 people searching on Google never visit another page of Google. That is to say, in clear terms, most people get the answer to their question most often on Google's page 1st. And out of these 9 people, 5 people click only on the "first 3 websites of the first page". It is clear that from the first page of Google, most people visit any website. That is, if it is said broadly, the more people who click on the website (or say rank) in Google, the more people click on it and the mo
Now, which blogger does not want his blog to be a lot of traffic; And he became popular. Obviously, everyone wants his blog to be converted into a high-traffic blog. But now everything cannot be done only by wanting. You have to work hard to reach your desires to the destination. To get good and consistent traffic to your website, you have to rank your website in a good position in Google. But now Google does not pick up any website and elevate it in its search. It ranks only those websites which give accurate answers to the questions asked by people and serve value to The Searchers. »Google investigates them very deeply to find good websites as they find out - 1) •
Someone who is a website, how old it is (Domain Age) - Older website = more good ranking. 2) • How many words is the post written on it (Word Count). Longer posts = more good ranking. 3) • Do the words Title, Heading, Subheading, Bold, Italic, and Underline of the post are written by the person who searched in Google. (Keywords) more correct keywords = more good ranking 4) • How many and which websites have linked that post to themselves. (Backlinks) Good backlinks = good rankings. 5) • How many people have commented and shared that post. 6) •
On the basis of about 200 factors like this, Google compares all the websites it has and shows the best results to the people first. Now what bloggers are, when writing a post on their website, keep in mind the things written above, so that Google will show their post to the people first and write the post keeping in mind 200 similar things on a website. Is what we call "SEO".
SEO is a group of many techniques, using which we can show our website above in Search Engines and bring more and more people to our website
For example, if you write detailed posts on your blog; They include the keyword correctly and make its backlinks, so it means that you are doing SEO of your "blog".
SEO is not a Rocket Science. You can learn easily by reading it and then practicing that read.
Keep in mind, by practicing the learned techniques, you can do good SEO of your website and get a large amount of free traffic from Google.
2) • Types of SEO:
We can divide the techniques of SEO mainly into 5 parts- (A) • On-Page SEO: using the techniques "while writing a post" in our website, we can try to move that post up in Google, It is called On-Page SEO. On-Page means what is done inside the SEO website. For example - techniques like writing detailed posts and including the necessary keywords in it fall under On-Page SEO. This is because we use them while writing blog posts.
(B) • Off-Page SEO: Google not only looks for someone to rank a website but it also collects information about it from outside (eg from social sites and other websites). With the help of SEO Techniques, we promote our website and rank it above Google, it is called Off-Page SEO. For example- Offices such as sharing blog posts on social sites and creating backlinks for them are under Off-Page SEO. This is because they are done after publishing the post.
(C) • Technical SEO: Coding juice related things written inside the website comes under Technical SEO. SEO is also affected by the coding written on the website. For example, if the website has been heavily coding, then the website will take more time to load or open. And Google bluntly said that it does not like Slow Websites at all and is not interested in giving them priority in their SERPs. Apart from this, the site which does not change its design according to a different device also hesitates to give preference in Google rankings. In this way, Technical SEO is also very important for a website. You can improve its technical SEO by removing unnecessary codes and tools/widgets from your website. (D) • User Interaction SEO:
This type of SEO is new and fun compared to the other three. Its concept has already started a few years ago. It happens that Google checks the quality of websites and ranks them based on the behavior of people in its search. For example- Suppose many people go to Google and search for "What is SEO". Now most of those people, they do not go to the website that comes on the first number, go to the website of the second number. So what do you think Google will do now?
Now Google will think that most people are leaving the first website and going to the second. This means that the second one has something special compared to the first website, that is why people are clicking it. Therefore, he pushes the second website to the first number and the website with the first number to the second number. So that people can see a good website first. This SEO is new, so many bloggers do not pay much attention to it. Believe it. Good User Interaction SEO can make your website reach the top of Google without any backlink. (E) • Local SEO: When you do SEO to make your website accessible to the people of a particular place, then such SEO is called 'Local SEO'.
Depending on the usage, SEO is of three types-
White | Gray | Black Hat SEO |
1) • Black Hat SEO Techniques: When people use some wrong methods to get their website forward in Google, it is called Black Hat SEO. Like- writing the same keyword over and over again; Buying backlinks by paying money. Note: Google can ban your website by doing black hat SEO. 2) • White Hat SEO Techniques: When people rank their website in Google using the right methods, it is called White Hat SEO. Such as writing a detailed post; Creating backlinks naturally. 3) • Gray Hat SEO Techniques: When people use some White Hat and some Black Hat Techniques on their website, it is called Gray Hat SEO. Gray is because gray is formed by mixing White + Black.
On a website, people can come from many different places (sources). Some people visit the website by putting the URL of the website directly in the browser, some people access the website through shared links in social sites like Facebook, twitter. Apart from all this, there are many people who search on search engines (like Google) and reach a website. Out of all these methods, about 60% of people reach a website using Search Engines. This shows how vast and important Traffic Sources are to search engines . Especially GOOGLE ... Traffic is quite high in search engines but at the same time, the competition is also very strong.
Most of the people who search in search engines click on the websites they see first. Therefore those websites get the freest traffic from Google, which ranks up. Using SEO Techniques, we can show our website above in Google and make our website or blog popular. If you do not SEO your website properly, it means that you are letting a lot of visitors, readers, or customers coming from Google. Therefore, it is very important to SEO the website properly.
According to my, you must have understood by now that SEO is not one thing. It is a combination of many small things that together help to elevate our website on Google. Now the question arises that how should SEO do both On-Page and Off-Page of your blog or website? So let's try to find a step-by-step answer to this question- ● How to do on-page SEO of the post- 1) • Keyword Research: Keywords are one of the most important things to do SEO, because when The person who is searching in Google, will not have written in your post, then till then Google will not show your post to the people.
Keyword research has a simple meaning - to find those keywords or Phrases, by searching on which people search in Google about the topic on which you are writing a blog post. You can easily find these keywords using some online tools (like Ubersuggest, Keyword Shitter ). Also, you can find these keywords by writing your topic on Google.
Now note the keywords you get and include them in your post while writing. 2) • Including Keywords: Now we have to fit keywords in our post in such a way that Google should easily notice them and do not feel boredom while reading the post read. For good SEO, we should include our most popular keywords in Heading, Subheading, and URL. Also, by reducing bold, Italic, underline to less searched keywords, our SERPs ranking also improves to a great extent.
3) • Media & Internal Linking: Assuming that you have finished all the work of writing posts by now, then it is time to add photo-video and add links to the post. Before applying photo-videos, we should change their name according to the topic. Should put keywords in them. With this, photo videos also start appearing on Google.
After putting a photo-video, we should give our own old post or a link to another post where it is needed. This not only helps our readers but at the same time, there is a lot of improvement in the SEO of our website. Apart from this, the website should at least place ads. Ads are enemies of SEO. This way your post gets an on-page SEO. Now comes the off-page SEO.
● How to Off-Page SEO of the post- 4) • Share Post On Social Media: After the post is published, we should share it on online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Pinterest. This makes Google quickly find that post and start ranking it. 5) • Create Backlinks: Backlinks are very important to rank any post in Google on good positions. So we should try to make links to our website on other websites. Remember that other websites will like to join you only when your content is strong, so try to improve your content more than creating backlinks; Backlinks will begin to be created on their own. 6) • Make Good User Experience (UX):
User experience means the behavior of people on your website. Meaning did they like coming to your site or could they not find what they wanted to find. How many articles have people read on your blog? How long they stayed on it It all comes under UX. The lower the bounce rate of your website, generally the better the User Experience of your website is considered.
User experience has now become as important to rank in Google as Content and Backlinks are. So we should pay a lot of attention to the UX of our site; Because people like the websites that people like, Google also likes to show them to people first. So these were the 6 steps, using which you can make your website go up in Google. 4
• Title Tag: The title of a post is called Title Tag in SEO. For example, the title tag of the post you are reading now, "What is SEO?" is. • Meta Description: Under the title tag of websites appearing in search engines, a little information about that post is called Meta Description. • SERPs: Its full name is- Search Engine Result Pages. That is, the websites that appear in search engines, all of them together are called SERPs.
• Keyword: Things that a lot of people type into Google. Like- Who is Narendra Modi; What is SEO etc. • Keyword Stuffing: Till about 10-15 years ago, when Google was not as it is today, people used to write their keywords repeatedly while writing posts so that Google can rank them higher in their search. This was called Keyword Stuffing. In today's time, this method does not work.
• BackLink: When another website gives a link to your website in one of its posts, this link is called BackLink. Backlinks increase your website's ranking in Google. • Domain Authority (DA): Authority means respect. In this way domain, authority means - respect for the search engines of your website (Domain). That is, DA tells you what level of overall Google considers your website. The DA of any website determines the world's largest SEO site. It is between 0 and 100 and the higher the DA of a website is, the higher its chances of ranking in Google.
• Page Authority (PA): DA shows the value of the entire website in Google's view whereas PA shows the value of one page or post of that website in Google's view. It also occurs between 0 and 100. • Moz Rank: Moz Rank tells how good or bad a website's SEO is. Moz ranks between 1 and 10. More Moz Rank means better SEO. • Page Rank (PR): This criterion was created by Google's co-founder Larry Page, so it is called Page Rank in his name. Page rank tells how much a page or post of a website is capable of being ranked in Google. Too many backlinks affect the Page Rank of a website to a great extent. It varies from 0 to 10.
»Page Authority and Page Rank are almost the same things. The only difference between the two is that PR is run by Google while PA is called Moz. • Alexa Rank: All the ranks that we talked about till now tell about the SEO of the website. In contrast to all this, Alexa Rank is what gives information about the traffic and popularity of a website. That is, it tells how many people view a website. From Alexa rank, we can also find out which number in the world a website is. Just like Alexa Rank is one in the world of Google.com so it is the no.1 website in the world. • Sitemap:
In very simple words, Sitemap is a file in which every information about your website is present. Like when you wrote a post. When did you edit it? This information makes it easy for Google to rank your site in the right place.
• Some important questions related to SEO (SEO FAQs):
1) • What is the full form of SEO? »SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This means, setting or optimizing your website in such a way that the search engines show it up and send it to as many people as possible. 2) • How and where can SEO learn? »You do not need any coaching or course to learn Basic SEO. You can read about SEO on the internet, as you are reading now. And then you can SEO your website with your learned knowledge.
3) • How long does it usually take to learn SEO? »Any art can never be fully learned and SEO is also a kind of art. Usually, you can learn SEO easily in 6 months or 1 year. It would be good to learn advanced level SEO, that you should do your own experiments more than following the suggestions given by others. With this you will be able to do better SEO. 4) • How can we check the SEO score of our website? »There are so many websites/tools on the internet that tell us what is the Seo of our website? Is good or bad. Which is bad, which is wrong in what things and how can we fix them. © Some Popular SEO Checker Tools are- (1) SEO Mechanic (2) UberSuggest
What is SEO? (Detailed Guide) | Search Engine Optimization
Reviewed by AppVillo
July 07, 2020
Rating: 5
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